Забронируйте в Sushiryori Ichitaka

Please check our official Instagram for cooking

■ Please refrain from excessive perfume so that you can enjoy the scent of the dish to the fullest.

■ Regarding children's visits, children over junior high school can come to the store if they take the same course as adults. Children under elementary school age can only come to the store if they are reserved. In that case, we will prepare a menu for children.

■ Those who are allergic to carbohydrates, those who dislike raw fish and rice are not allowed to visit the store. Please note that if there is an allergy that the store cannot handle, it may be canceled even after the reservation is confirmed.


If you have any allergic ingredients, please write them down.

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Пароль не должен содержать часть Эл. адрес.
Пароль не совпадает со значением поля Подтвердите пароль
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