Mag-book sa Sushi Murase

Thank you for visiting Sushi Murase's online reservation page.
We are looking forward to your reservation.

▶Please note that we may not be able to meet your request for seat selection.
▶If you can't contact us after 30 minutes of the reservation time, we may have to cancel it, so please be sure to contact us if you are late.
▶Please refrain from wearing perfume or anything with a strong scent.

▶Please contact the store directly when making a reservation for more than 5 people.
▶It is possible for children to visit the store, but they will be guided to seats other than the counter seats. Please contact us in advance regarding children's menus.

Inquiries by phone: 03-3479-5240
*Frequently Asked Questions*

Mga Kahilingan

If you have any food allergies, please let us know.
Please select the purpose of use.

Detalye ng Guest

Password ay masyadong maikli (pinakakonti ay 8 character)
Password ay masyadong mahina
Password ay kailangan mayroong kahit na isang malaking titik, isang maliit na titik, isang numero at isang simbolo.
Password ay hindi dapat maglaman ng bahagi ng Email.
Password ay hindi tumutugma ang pagpapatunay
Sa pagsumite ng form na ito, sumasang-ayon ka sa mga kaugnay na tuntunin at patakaran.