Đặt bàn tại Koganei BBQ Shop

◆One site can be used by up to 20 people. If you have more than 60 people, please apply by phone. ◆If you are using multiple sites, please prepare a firearm for each site. Please do not use rubbing alcohol near open flames. ◆Even if you have made a reservation, handling may change depending on future circumstances. Please note. ◆Please be sure to make your reservation on the day you are available. Please refrain from making provisional reservations that are subject to cancellation, as this may cause inconvenience to other applicants. Internet reservations: Until 12:00 on the day before you wish to use the service Telephone reservations: Until 17:00 on the day before you wish to use *Due to the system, only 10:00 can be selected as the reservation time. Please arrive by 14:00. ◆On the day of use, please register at the Koganei BBQ stand. If you have not completed the registration process, you will not be able to use the service even if you have made a reservation. [Reception hours] 9:30-14:00 *Barbecue usage hours: 10:00-16:00 *Even after registering, fires can only be used in the barbecue area from 10:00. ◆When using the service, please check the "Terms of Use" and "Frequently Asked Questions".・Terms of Use・Frequently Asked Questions ◆For safety management purposes, please follow any instructions given by staff. If you do not follow the staff's instructions, you may be asked to stop using the facility or be asked to leave. Please also comply with the park rules and laws when using the park.
dưới 12 tuổi

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