Reserviere [Nonstop Bus] Hilton Okinawa Sesoko Resort/ Naha Naha Airport

Direct bus service between the hotel and Naha Airport Domestic Terminal Click here for details

▶Please reserve your seat on this website. If seats become available due to cancellations, they will be reflected on this website immediately.
▶If you do not board the bus by the departure time, your reservation will be cancelled. If you wish to change or cancel your reservation prior to boarding, please do so on this website.
▶Please be seated on a first-come, first-served basis.
▶Pets are not allowed on the bus.
▶The bus image is for illustrative purposes only. The buses are subject to change without prior notice.
Inquiries by phone:0570-020-701
15 Jahre und jünger
5 Jahre und jünger


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