Book at sai

🍷 Reservations will start on the 1st of every month until the end of the following month 🍷 ▶ Please note that we may not be able to meet your request regarding seat selection. ▶ If you cannot contact us after 10 minutes of reservation time, we may be forced to cancel, so please be sure to contact us if you are late. ▶ For reservations for 7 people or more, please contact the store directly. ▶ If you have children under 12 years old, we will only guide you to the private room plan. ▶ The phone may not be connected during business hours. Inquiries by phone: 052-265-7117


例)青魚苦手 アジ、イワシ、ブリ、苦手 サワラは大丈夫です。など
例)きのこ類苦手 トリュフは大丈夫です。など ←当店フラッグシップにトリュフのジェラートを提供しておりますので、食べれない場合は記入ください
例)誕生日 Hanako このようにお書きします→ HappyBirthday Hanako
例)結婚記念日 Takuya Hanako このようにお書きします → Anniversary Takuya Hanako

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