Réserver à bb9

Omakase menu ¥25,000 excluding tax and service charge
Includes food, dessert, and mineral water
*Prices are subject to change depending on the season.
*Example: November-December, white truffle season, etc.

*We will charge 27,500 yen at the time of reservation.
・We will keep your credit card information at the time of reservation, but no payment will be made.
*Please pay for the actual fee at the checkout on the day of your reservation.

Reservation time
▶Due to the preparation of the wood heat source, the start time of the meal is fixed.
・Lunch 12:00
・Dinner 18:00, 19:00 ,20:00
Please come a little early.
Some dishes are prepared over a wood fire before you arrive, so if you arrive late, we may not be able to serve your scheduled dish.

▶Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be made by the guest himself/herself via the link in the e-mail confirming the reservation.

▶Please inform us of any allergies, likes and dislikes at the time of reservation.
[We may not be able to accept your reservation due to food allergies.]
[We cannot accept reservations for those who are allergic to foods that have not been cooked on fire or raw foods.]
For example)soybeans, buckwheat, milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, shrimp, crabs, oysters, shellfish, sheep, boar, pigeon, duck, deer, wild game, etc.

▶Reservations are accepted from 2 to 6 persons. 8 or more persons may make a reservation for a private party.

▶Children's visit
We welcome children who can enjoy the same dishes as adults.


Please write if you have allergy ingredients.
Example) Soybean · buckwheat · milk · egg · wheat · peanut · shrimp · crab · scrape · crustacean · sheep · pig, pigeon · duck · deer · insect · oyster · game meats
[Sometimes I can not accept reservations due to allergic ingredients]
[Those who can not eat raw items can not accept reservations.]
Please write the name of the hotel you are staying at, from a foreign customer.


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Mot de passe doit inclure au moins une lettre majuscule, une lettre minuscule, un chiffre, et un symbole.
Mot de passe ne doit pas contenir une partie de E-mail.
Mot de passe ne concorde pas avec Confirmation du mot de passe
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