Ginza Ukai-tei 온라인 예약

*You can book a table 2 months prior to the reservation date.
*Private rooms are prepared when your party has more than 4 people. If you have more than 7 people in your party, please contact us by phone.
*Private rooms are reserved for a party with children under the age of 12.
For more details, please feel free to call us.

Credit card information will only be used to hold and guarantee your reservation and payment beforehand.
Please pay the bill on the day.
Your deposit shall be paid back in a few days to weeks depending on the credit card company.
However, debit cards and prepaid cards are direct debit when you make your reservation.
The payment shall be returned as well.

<Restaurant Information>
1F Jiji Press Bldg. 5-15-8 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 1040061, Japan
Tel: 81-(0)3-3544-5252
12세 이하


Please check the following items if you need the anniversary plan.
Please refer to the above for details of the anniversary plan.
* If you would like to do so, please enter the necessary information in Question 2.
*If you would like a cake, you do not need to check the "Plate Request" box below.
If you'd like to order anniversary plan, please let us know your request to the following.
ex.) Birthday of my wife with a message "Happy Birthday"
ex.) Wedding anniversary, Red bunch of flowers 4,400 JPY.
ex.)Cake 12 cm Happy Birthday ; Cake 15 cm Happy Wedding Anniversary etc.
Do you have any food allergy or food restriction? Please let us know the details and the number of people concerned.
*Some courses may not accommodate allergies. Thank you for your understanding.
ex.) Shellfish allergy : 2 people

예약자 정보

비밀번호은(는) 적어도 8자를 넘어야 합니다
너무 약함
적어도 하나의 대문자, 소문자, 숫자 및 기호를 포함해야 합니다.
이메일 의 일부를 포함하지 않아야 합니다.
비밀번호 확인은(는) 서로 일치해야 합니다
이 양식을 제출함으로써, 본인은 관련 조항 및 정책에 동의합니다.