Gochisouya Kanae Kagurazaka 온라인 예약

◆◇◆Announcement of New Year holidays◇◆◇ Saturday, December 31, 2022 to Wednesday, January 4, 2022 *We will resume business from dinner on Thursday, January 5. Thank you for your support. increase. [Business hours] Weekday lunch 11:30-15:00 (Lo.14:00) Dinner 17:00-23:00 (Lo.22:00) Weekends and holidays lunch 11:30-15:00 (Lo.14: 00) Dinner 16:00-23:00 (Lo.22:00) [Requests when making a reservation] ▶Basically, we have a 2-hour system so that as many customers as possible can enjoy it. * Depending on the reservation status, it is possible to extend the time of your seat. Please contact us. ▶Please note that we may not be able to meet your request for seat selection. ▶If we are unable to contact you within 15 minutes of your reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation. Please be sure to contact us if you will be late. ▶ All-you-can-drink is available only for customers who have booked a course. Also, please contact us by the day before. ▶We do not accept a la carte reservations for more than 7 people. Please note that it will only be a reservation for the course. ▶Please be considerate of other customers. If there is a complaint from a customer, we may have to ask you to leave the store. [regular holiday] New Year holidays



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