Patisserie L'aube 온라인 예약

▶お受け取り時間について  選択頂いた時間までに商品をお作り致しますので、そのお時間~閉店18:30までにご来店くださいませ。
 (例えば お砂糖を控えめにしてほしい(砂糖を減らすと生クリームが油っぽく感じる為)対応しておりません。)





The Christmas phrase and chocolate phrase come with a merry christmas chocolate plate. If you need more, please purchase additional plates. Message plate (one plate is free for each whole cake, please fill in the additional plate for the second and subsequent pieces.) If you use candles, please enter the message and number of candles. Candles come in two types: thick and short types and long and thin types. (The thinner one is recommended because the hole is smaller.) (The elongated type has a maximum of 12 candles.) For those over 12 years old, we can accommodate candles of different thickness. Example: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMOKA" candles 3 thick and 6 thin (36 years old)

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