What it’s like to work at TableCheck

Curious about joining our engineering or product teams?

Daniel Lizik

Daniel Lizik

Nov 27, 2022 - 2 min read

What it’s like to work at TableCheck


You can work from anywhere in the world you want as long as you are able to have some overlap with our core hours which are 1100 ~ 1500 JST (GMT+9) and attend your team’s core meetings.

Team overview

Our engineering and product divisions are composed of several teams. Currently, the headcount is roughly:

  • Design: 5

  • QA: 9

  • QA Engineering: 2

  • Product Management: 3

  • Project Management: 4* (more details on this below)

  • Frontend Engineering: 8

  • Backend Engineering: 9

  • Site Reliability Engineering: 5

We are an incredibly diverse team with members from countries such as:

  • Japan

  • Thailand

  • China

  • Hong Kong

  • Malaysia

  • The Philippines

  • Australia

  • New Zealand

  • India

  • Israel

  • Egypt

  • Armenia

  • Russia

  • Belarus

  • Belgium

  • France

  • UK

  • Spain

  • USA

We have staff working from all around the world in time zones ranging from:

  • GMT-5 (US East Coast)

  • GMT (UK)

  • GMT+3 (Russia, Eastern Europe)

  • GMT+5.5 (India)

  • GTM+7 (Thailand)

  • GMT+8 (The Philippines)

  • GMT+9 (Japan)

The official language of engineering and product is English. Outside of engineering and product there are sales, consulting, support, marketing, regional sales offices, and other various back-of-house groups. 

Engineers are not heavily siloed into their engineer-only bubbles either. For instance, engineers assigned to improving our marketing website regularly work with our Japanese PR team, and engineers working on our booking form project collaborate closely with our global consultant team and regional technical sales consultants. 

Organizational structure: Squads

squads at tablecheck
A semi-accurate portrayal of our squad system. The actual headcount and projects do not necessarily reflect our current operations

Individual Contributors at TableCheck belong to a few organizational structures. Of course, for instance, all frontend engineers belong to the frontend team, which is a sub team of engineering. But an engineer will also belong to a squad. For us, a squad is a cross-team group of individuals chosen to execute a mission. A squad will usually be composed of:

  • One team lead (typically an engineer) who also serves as the project manager

  • One product owner

  • Sometimes, one product specialist (depending on the project)

  • One designer

  • One or more frontend engineers

  • One or more backend engineers (sometimes none depending on the project)

  • One or more QA analysts

  • One QA engineer (sometimes none depending on the project)

Some ICs or product owners might not belong to an individual squad if their skillset is essential for multiple products. This is especially true for our SRE team whose skillsets are largely product-agnostic.

Squads are not eternal but also not too short-lived such that individuals are burdened with a huge amount of context switching. Individuals are also free to request to move between squads depending on our current strategic needs. Our philosophy is not to force individuals to suffer the cognitive overload of constant context switching, but to let those that want to challenge themselves by stepping outside their comfort zone the opportunity to do so.

Squads are product-oriented. The expectation is that squads should function autonomously, like a startup within a startup, to find their most performant set of methodologies that result in an optimized release cadence, culture, camaraderie, and developer experience. Some teams like daily standup calls, others prefer text standups. Some teams do sprints, others do kanban. Jira workflows, custom automations and slack webhooks (etc.) differ between teams. Our biggest squad is around 10 people, the smallest maybe just one or two people.

While squads are highly autonomous, there are of course a superset of IT-wide regulations that each squad must follow. Many of these are security-related.

Other info

  • We sponsor Japanese work visas.

  • When you renew your visa, TableCheck will subsidize legal fees required by our recommended immigration attorney should you choose to have a legal proxy submit your documents on your behalf.

  • You will be provided with the latest 13 inch M1 MacBook Pro on your first day.

  • We use standard cloud services such as:

    • Google Workspace

    • AWS

    • Github

    • Semaphore

    • Slack

    • Atlassian

    • Figma

    • Miro

    • LastPass

  • Our fiscal year ends in March and performance reviews are also done in March.

  • We encourage "20% time" which lets employees use 20% of their time in any way they see fit as long as it benefits the company. You can use this time to build side projects, learn new programming languages or read books, etc.

  • We rely heavily on RFCs to promote change within the organization. Anyone is welcome to raise an RFC at any time and we have a monthly IT-wide meeting to discuss current RFCs that need review.

Daniel Lizik

About the Author

Daniel is a Senior Engineer at TableCheck and the hiring manager for the frontend team. His spirit animal is "the rent is too damn high" guy and as the team's self-proclaimed "meme whisperer", he understands the importance of team building and camaraderie through humor and not taking one's self too seriously.

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