Réserver à Sushi Ebisu Kourin

5 minutes from Ebisu Station/Edomae sushi with “tradition and innovation” that the chef always makes

*Since it is completely cashless, only contactless payments and credit card payments are accepted. (Please note that cash is not accepted.)

▶ Business hours 17:00-23:00
▶ Closed on Wednesdays, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays
▶ Seating is limited to 2 hours 17:00- / 18:00- / 19:00- / 20:30- / 21:00-
▶ All at once Please start on time and be punctual.
▶From April 1st, a 5% service charge will be charged.
▶If we cannot contact you within 15 minutes of your scheduled reservation time, we may have to cancel your reservation. Please be sure to contact us if you will be late.
▶In order for you to enjoy your meal slowly, we do not allow preschool children to enter our restaurant. For school-age children, please order the regular course for one person.
▶For reservations for 7 or more people, please call the store directly.
For inquiries by phone: 03-6427-3423


Please answer about any food allergies. If so, please fill in the details in the request field. *Please note that we may not be able to respond on the same day.


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