Pesan di Restaurant Azalea

Click here to make a reservation for takeout ■ Please note that we may not be able to accommodate your request for a designated seat. ■We cannot accept changes to your plan after your visit, regardless of the reason. Please check your plan before making a reservation. ■Reservations have a cancellation policy. Cancellations made on the day of use will be charged 100% of the fee. ■Menus and prices are subject to change without notice. ■All photos are images. ■※Even on dates where reservations are not possible, seats may be available if you contact the store directly. For inquiries by phone: 0138-23-8755


If you have any food allergies, please let us know.

Detail Tamu

Kata sandi terlalu pendek (minimum 8 karakter)
Kata sandi terlalu lemah
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Kata sandi tidak boleh mengandung bagian dari Email.
Kata sandi tidak sesuai dengan Konfirmasi kata sandi
Dengan mengirimkan formulir ini, Anda menyetujui ketentuan dan kebijakan yang relevan.