Restaurant reservations in Japan soar as international travel resumes

TableCheck’s multilingual support and corporate partnerships contribute to attracting inbound customers to the country



May 23, 2023 - 2 min read

Restaurant reservations in Japan soar as international travel resumes

Restaurant reservations in Japan have increased by 1.9 times compared to 2019, according to the data compiled by TableCheck on the number of domestic bookings made by travelers to Japan. The data came from domestic restaurant reservations made through the TableCheck reservation system.

A report from the Japan National Tourism Organization shows that the country welcomed more than 1.9 million foreign visitors, equivalent to 66.6% compared to the number of arrivals in April 2019, the period right before the coronavirus outbreak.

The entry of foreign travelers to Japan has a favorable effect on the Japanese restaurant industry which seeks to bounce back after COVID-19. Restaurants that are TableCheck clients see a dramatic rise in their bookings, which indicates a growing demand for Japan as both a tourist and culinary destination.

Graph of inbound tourism in Japan showing increase by 1.9 times as compared to 2019

Bookings in top restaurants in Japan

TableCheck's reservation system is available in 18 languages and is the only platform that offers this wide multiple-language support.

The guest experience platform is highly supported by international guests, as it allows users around the world to make reservations instantly at any time without any language or time difference barriers. In addition, through TableCheck's collaboration with global companies that have a wide global customer base, more visitors can access top restaurants in Japan and across major cities like Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and the rest of the country.

TableCheck currently holds the no 1 market share as a restaurant reservation system in Japan.

Global partnerships

TableCheck allows integration with Google's "Reserve a Table" and "Google Reservations" features, which enable reservations on Google Maps and Instagram, and Facebook, respectively. 

Additionally, TableCheck has partnered with TripAdvisor, American Express, and Michelin Guide – companies with high customer appeal, to power restaurant reservations from quality overseas guests and VIPs. 

According to the Japan National Tourism Organization, international tourists from these five countries have bolstered foreign arrivals to Japan: South Korea, Taiwan, the United States, Hong Kong, and Thailand. Tourists from Hong Kong, the U.S., Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore, in that order, have shown particularly high interest in dining out in Japan. This trend is reflected in the high percentage of restaurant bookings from these nations.

Meanwhile, more than 108,300 arrivals came from China. The number of Chinese tourists is also expected to climb as more flights from Japan become available. More than 9.5 million Chinese visited  Japan in 2019, right before the pandemic.

About TableCheck

TableCheck is a restaurant tech company that was founded in Japan in 2011. Today it operates in 31 countries and has flagship offices in South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Thailand, and United Arab Emirates (UAE), with offices in Tokyo (HQ) and Osaka in Japan. Currently, TableCheck has over 8,000 clients worldwide, including 200+ award-winning Michelin restaurants.

Guided by our mission ‘Dining Connected’, we are a platform that connects restaurants worldwide with their customers. Utilizing technology and our best-in-class features, we aim to pioneer the next generation of Japanese omotenashi hospitality. The company's primary services are a reservation and customer management system for restaurants, a restaurant search and reservation portal site for users, and a marketing platform through our EDM feature. TableCheck provides real-time availability information 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, helping to create a better restaurant experience for both restaurants and diners.

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