Vietnam's T.U.N.G Dining combines gustatory delights with storytelling for an immersive experience

CEO Nguyet Anh and Executive Chef Hoang Tung's vision for an unforgettable dining journey allows them and their team to be as creative as possible — and guests are loving it



May 10, 2024 - 5 min read

Vietnam's T.U.N.G Dining combines gustatory delights with storytelling for an immersive experience

Everything starts with a compelling story. T.U.N.G Dining's narrative starts with two young people finding their passion. CEO Nguyet Anh's entry into the food scene began when she went to study business on scholarship in Finland. During her studies, she also worked in a restaurant where her passion for food blossomed. After graduating college, she knocked on restaurant doors and asked to work for free to immerse herself in the culinary world and hone her culinary skills. All that determination and hard work paid off in late 2018, when she returned to her homeland, Vietnam, to open the first tasting menu restaurant in the country by partnering with another passionate individual, Co-founder and Executive Chef Hoang Tung.

With Chef Tung's creative flair and CEO Nguyet Anh's business acumen, T.U.N.G Dining's unique blend of culinary excellence and immersive storytelling keeps pushing the boundaries of traditional dining and offers guests an unforgettable experience. Its opening menu for 2024 — The Adventure Train — is inspired by the sights and sounds of the North-South train ride and fuses modern cooking techniques with indigenous ingredients. 

It is no surprise that T.U.N.G Dining was included on the prestigious list of Michelin Guide's best Vietnamese restaurants.

Cuisine at T.U.N.G. Dining

Chef Tung serves 18-course seasonal meals. Can you elaborate on the thought process behind each dish and what the menu development is like per season? 

What distinguishes T.U.N.G Dining from other establishments is our unique approach to cuisine and ambiance. Each dish is meticulously crafted, reflecting Chef Tung's profound knowledge of Vietnamese ingredients and infused with his innovative creativity. His seasonal meals are a culinary journey, meticulously crafted to showcase the best of each season's ingredients and flavors. The thought process behind each dish is driven by a deep appreciation for Vietnam's culinary heritage and a commitment to innovation and creativity.

Menu development for each season begins with a thorough exploration of seasonal produce and local ingredients. Chef Tung and his team draw inspiration from the bounty of the season, seeking to highlight the freshness and natural flavors of each ingredient. Traditional Vietnamese recipes and cooking techniques are the foundation, but Chef Tung infuses each dish with his unique perspective and modern twists, creating a menu that is both familiar and exciting.

Innovation is at the heart of our menu development process. We continually strive to push the boundaries of flavor and presentation, exploring new ingredients, techniques, and culinary concepts to keep the menu fresh and engaging. This may involve experimenting with novel flavor combinations, incorporating unexpected ingredients, or re-imagining classic dishes in innovative ways. We also get feedback from guests and keep abreast of evolving culinary trends to ensure that our menu remains relevant and responsive to their preferences.

"Innovation is at the heart of our menu development process."
Cuisine at T.U.N.G. Dining

One of the best dining destinations in the region

By staying true to its culinary and service principles, T.U.N.G Dining has earned the trust and loyalty of its guests and recognition as one of the top dining destinations in Asia.

The restaurant has received many accolades, including Michelin recognition, being part of La Liste 2023, Asia's 100 Best Restaurants, and others. What's the secret to your success? 

The key to our success lies in our dedication to continuous improvement across all aspects of our operations. We invest in staff training and cultivate a culture of excellence and innovation among our team members. Through comprehensive training programs, we ensure that every member of our staff is equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver exceptional service and uphold our culinary standards.

We also prioritize guest satisfaction above all else and strive to exceed expectations at every opportunity, ensuring that each guest receives personalized attention and enjoys a memorable dining experience from start to finish. We also attribute our success to staying true to our culinary vision and take great pride in our unique approach to food, drawing inspiration from traditional Vietnamese ingredients and flavors while incorporating innovative techniques and presentations. 

Sustainable Fine-dining

Establishments nowadays include sustainability in their core values and T.U.N.G Dining is no exception. Sustainability does not only take care of the environment, it also makes business sense as it leads to cost-savings, but also enhances the competitive advantage for restaurants.

Can you discuss any sustainability practices or initiatives implemented at T.U.N.G Dining in terms of waste reduction, community involvement and other initiatives?

At T.U.N.G Dining, responsible ingredient sourcing and sustainability are fundamental principles that guide our operations. We work closely with local farmers and suppliers to procure the highest quality ingredients, therefore supporting the local economy and minimizing transportation-related carbon emissions. Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond sourcing and encompasses waste reduction, including composting and recycling. We also actively engage with the community through various programs that support local artisans and producers, fostering economic growth and preserving our cultural heritage. 

Technology and the art of marketing

T.U.N.G Dining has embraced technology to elevate the guest experience and improve operational efficiency. It aims to not only keep up with technological trends in the restaurant industry but to stay ahead so it can provide the best experience to patrons.

With the increasing influence of technology, how has T.U.N.G Dining adopted it for reservations, marketing and other activities? How has TableCheck helped you overall?

One significant aspect of our technological adoption is in reservation management and guest communications, for which we utilize TableCheck. This integration has allowed us to streamline the reservation process, enabling guests to easily book tables while providing us with valuable insights into trends and guest preferences. TableCheck has facilitated seamless communication with our guests, allowing us to send personalized confirmations, reminders, and updates on their reservations. This proactive exchange helps us meet guest expectations and ensure a smooth dining experience. 

TableCheck has been invaluable to our operations. It helps us optimize reservation management, enhance guest communication, and execute targeted marketing strategies. Its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and insights have contributed significantly to our success in delivering exceptional service and fostering guest satisfaction.

"TableCheck has been invaluable to our operations. It helps us optimize reservation management, enhance guest communication, and execute targeted marketing strategies."

The importance of customer feedback

The success of any business, especially one in hospitality, is anchored on how well it responds to the needs of its clientele. T.U.N.G Dining follows a systematic approach to address diner concerns and foster continuous improvement. 

How do you gather and manage customer feedback?

By following the steps below, we commit to using customer feedback as the driving force for improvement and ensuring that every guest feels heard, valued, and satisfied.

  • Collection: We actively solicit feedback from customers through various channels, including in-person interactions, comment cards, online surveys, and social media platforms. This comprehensive approach ensures that we capture feedback from a diverse range of customers and experiences.

  • Analysis: Once feedback is collected, we meticulously analyze each comment, suggestion, or complaint to identify common themes, trends, and areas for improvement. This analytical phase allows us to gain valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of our dining experience.

  • Prioritization: Feedback is then prioritized based on its impact on the overall guest experience and alignment with our organizational goals and values. This step helps us focus our resources and efforts on addressing the most critical issues first.

  • Action Planning: Following prioritization, we develop action plans to address identified areas for improvement. These plans may involve changes to menu offerings, service protocols, operational procedures, or training initiatives aimed at enhancing the dining experience.

  • Implementation: Action plans are implemented thoughtfully and systematically, ensuring that changes are effectively communicated to staff and seamlessly integrated into daily operations. We monitor progress closely to track the effectiveness of implemented changes.

  • Follow-Up: After implementation, we continue to monitor customer feedback to assess the impact of our efforts and identify any further adjustments that may be necessary. We also follow up with customers who provided feedback to demonstrate our commitment to their satisfaction and to gather additional insights.

  • Continuous Improvement: Customer feedback is an ongoing process, and we remain dedicated to continually refining and enhancing our operations based on customer insights. We regularly review our feedback mechanisms and adjust our approach as needed to ensure that we remain responsive to customer needs and preferences.

The future looks bright: Vietnamese cuisine at the forefront

An upcoming collaboration and enhanced culinary offerings are on the horizon.

What are your future plans for T.U.N.G dining? 

In our forward-looking strategy, we will enhance our culinary offerings by partnering with local artisans and international chefs. Our goal is to introduce innovative dining concepts that showcase the rich and diverse flavors of Vietnam, positioning the country as a premier culinary destination. We are dedicated to pushing boundaries, nurturing creativity, and delivering memorable dining experiences that engage and inspire our guests. An exciting development is our upcoming collaboration with Jason Ignacio White, former director of fermentation at Noma. This partnership promises to redefine the approach to fermentation within Vietnam's culinary landscape. 

T.U.N.G Dining

Address: 2C P. Quang Trung, Hàng Trống, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội 100000, Vietnam
Website: T.U.N.G.Dining
Reservations: TableCheck

T.U.N.G Dining uses TableCheck as their reservation system. In Vietnam, we help restaurants and hotel F&B properties deliver memorable dining experiences and drive repeat business.

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