Réserver à Meat and Wine Jinen

▶︎Regarding children's entry Children over 13 years old must order a course meal just like adults. If ordering a course meal for a child under 12 years old, please select the number of people as "adults" . Please also make sure to check here regarding children's entry. ▶︎Private room (up to 4 people) Precautions when using the room・To get to the restroom, you will need to pass through a floor with other seating. ・Cameras have been installed to check the progress of meals ▶︎ Please make reservations by phone for parties of 8 or more (we may be able to accept reservations even on closed days for large groups, so please contact us). ▶︎ Even if reservations cannot be made online, they may be accepted by phone. ▶︎ If you are significantly late, we may charge an additional charcoal fee. This is because charcoal is consumed while waiting for customers. Please arrive on time. ☎︎ Reservations and inquiries by phone: 080-7703-7617
12 ans et moins
3 ans et moins


Please let us know if you have any allergies. Example: 1 person has a walnut allergy, but has no problem with other nuts. Example: Both of us are allergic to chicken, but the extract is fine.
If you are celebrating an anniversary or birthday, we can prepare a message plate. If you are interested, please write a message. Example: A birthday celebration for the tallest of the four girls. Happy Birthday Natsumi, please. Example: This is a wedding gift for a friend and his wife. Congratulations on your wedding, please.
If you are traveling with children, please enter the age of the child. (Please be sure to also check "Notices from the store" at the top of the page)


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