Pastry Shop "Dorer" - Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel & Towers 온라인 예약

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support. The business hours of the pastry shop "Dore" are changed at the following times. ■ Click here for information on business hours from 4/1 (Friday) [Normal business hours] Mon-Sat 10: 00-19: 00 Sundays and holidays 10: 00-18: 00 ▶ Reply required Please contact us by phone for requests and food allergies. ■ Restaurant General Reservation TEL. 045-411-1188 (10: 00 ~ 19: 00) You cannot cancel your order by credit card advance payment for the following menu. Thank you for your understanding (100% cancellation fee. Credit card payment cannot be canceled or refunded.) No refund will be given even if you do not contact us on the day of the event. * The prices shown are inclusive of tax. * As the number is limited, we recommend that you make an early reservation. Please select the time below when you can pick up the item.


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